The Filter Plates Supplierswas no more used since 1967, the industrial dumping its waste from the Mediterranean. But just walk a few moments to quickly reach a bizarre red lake still.
After four to 5 weeks of study, the BRGM concludes that PM10 concentrations (dust emitted by residues) measured while in the air are below the regulating values but above the EXACTLY WHO guideline. We went to the Regional Directorate for your Environment, Planning and Housing (Dreal), although nothing was done.
Your pines surrounding it are impure. François-Michel Lambert concedes: "There will do to go crazy when the dust invades your home. It is again considering 2007, when the plant acquires a prefectoral order of exploitation to get 14 years.The inhabitants belonging to the Mange-Garri valley, a red mud storage space, are also fighting in quiet.
As a effect, residents complain of the debris that invades their homes along at the slightest gust of wind. Given that 31 December 2015, Alteo has been releasing only liquid residues in sea. It is often a dialogue of the deaf, we are only told that the industrialist includes made progress